United Deadly Force are recruiting
We are aiming for a elite group of mercenaries for high risk tasks and missions.
we are looking for player who are willing to step up and take some risk to get the job done.
if you think you have the right mentality and you like teamplay apply now.!!!!
This group of mercenaries will be the military part of The United Deadly Force.

What Are Looking For:
Hardcore or Casual players.
Team leaders (combat)
Pilots (combat)
Scouts (combat)
Explorers (non combat)
Bounty Hunters (combat)
Marines (FPS) players (combat)
Traders (non combat)
Transporter (non combat)
(non combat) = For the org and under the protection of the United Deadly Force and partners.
Our Rules:
• We have discord. Use it. !!!
• You must be at least 16 years of age to join the organization .
• You must have a suitable headset with microphone to make communication.
• You must have a A Starter Package!

How to Apply for the United Deadly Force
You must have a Star citizen account on robertsspaceindustries before you can play star citizen and join The United Deadly Force.
Use the (( Enlist Now )) button To Enlist on robertsspaceindustries.com if you dont have a account?
Referral Code
((Get 5,000 UEC Yust for making a account There are no Obligations!))
This Referral Code will earn you 5,000 UEC .* Which you can be spent for weapons, ship components, armor or decorations
The Referral Code is already entered in the application you only have to enter your info to and Enlist!.
(Follow the on-screen instructions)
When you done Enlisting come back and Use the Application button to start your Application

Already have a Star citizen account. Use the (Start your Application now!) button to start you Application
((((( You must have a A Starter Package to join the United Deadly Force )))
.* (United Earth Credits)